9/Data types

This document describes Tango Controls Data Types specification version 5.0.

See also: 1/TANGO, 3/Command, 4/Attribute, 5/Property, 6/Database, 7/Pipe,


Copyright (c) 2019 Tango Controls Community.

This Specification is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This Specification is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.

This Specification is a free and open standard and is governed by the Digital Standards Organization’s Consensus-Oriented Specification System.

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Tango Data Types Specification

Data Types are specifying format and limits of pieces of information exchanged between Tango Controls components.


Data Types specification aims to standardise a way how different kind of information is entered, displayed and processed within a Tango Controls system irrespectively to its encoding in a transport protocol or computers’ CPU architecture. It also allows to distinguish different kinds of numeric data, string data, enumerations or multi-values data.

Use Cases

There are many use cases for Data Types. Some of them are listed below:

  • To specify expected data format for attributes, commands and pipes.

  • To display in the same way a numeric value read from a device when some of them are using big-endian encoding and others use little-endian encoding.

  • To limit information processed to a practical level by choosing a Data Type of certain precision. For example, a value of Data Type DevShort typically provides less precise information and consumes less computing resources than a value of Data Type DevLong.


  • Any value of Properties, Attributes, Pipes’ fields and Commands’ input and output arguments SHALL have defined its DataType.

  • DataType SHALL be as follows:

 DataType = DevVoid 

 DataType =/ DevBoolean 
 DataType =/ DevShort / DevLong / DevLong64
 DataType =/ DevUChar / DevUShort / DevULong / DevULong64
 DataType =/ DevFloat / DevDouble

 DataType =/ DevString  
 DataType =/ DevVarBooleanArray / DevVarDoubleArray / DevVarFloatArray
 DataType =/ DevVarShortArray / DevVarLongArray / DevVarLong64Array / DevVarCharArray
 DataType =/ DevVarStringArray
 DataType =/ DevVarUShortArray / DevVarULongArray / DevVarULong64Array
 DataType =/ DevEncoded / DevVarEncodedArray
 DataType =/ DevVarLongStringArray / DevVarDoubleStringArray
 DataType =/ DevState / DevVarStateArray

 DataType =/ DevEnum
 DataType =/ DevPipeBlob
 DataTpe =/ DevFailed



DevBoolean is a data type which values represents logical state of true or false.

  • DevBoolean SHALL use the following name:

DevBoolean = "DevBoolean"
  • Values which DataType is DevBoolean SHALL carry one bit of information.

Integer data types

DevShort, DevLong, DevLong64 represent signed integer values. DevUChar, DevUShort, DevULong and DevULong64 represent unsigned values.

  • Integer DataType SHALL have the following names:

 DevShort = "DevShort"
 DevLong = "DevLong"
 DevLong64 = "DevLong64"
 DevUChar = "DevUChar"
 DevUShort = "DevUShort"
 DevULong = "DevULong"
 DevULong64 = "DevULong64"
  • Values of integer data types SHALL be in defined ranges and the information they carry SHALL have number of bits as specified in the table below:



Bits of information


-(2^15) to (2^15)-1



-(2^31) to (2^31)-1



-(2^63) to (2^63)-1



0 to 255



0 to (2^16)-1



0 to (2^32)-1



0 to (2^64)-1


Floating point data types

DevFloat and DevDouble represent floating point values.

  • DevFloat and DevDouble SHALL use the following names:

 DevFloat = "DevFloat"
 DevDouble = "DevDouble"
  • Values of DevFloat type SHALL be of IEEE 754 single precision floating-point format and MAY be encoded in 32 bits.

  • Values of DevDouble type SHALL be of IEEE 754 double precision floating-point format and MAY be encoded in 64 bits.

String data type

DevString values represent strings (sequence of characters).

  • DevString SHALL use the following names:

 DevString = "DevString"
  • Values of DevString SHALL be according to the string-value rule defined as follows:

 string-value = *CHAR

Sequence data types

DevVarBooleanArray, DevVarShortArray, DevVarLongArray, DevVarLong64Array, DevVarCharArray, DevVarUShortArray, DevVarULongArray, DevVarULong64Array, DevVarFloatArray, DevVarDoubleArray, DevVarStringArray, DevVarEncodedArray, DevVarStateArray are Sequence DataTypes. Sequence data types are sequences (arrays) of values (elements) of matching DataType, which are respectively, DevBoolean, DevShort, DevLong, DevLong64, DevUChar, DevUShort, DevULong, DevULong64, DevFloat, DevDouble, DevString, DevEncoded, DevState.

  • Names of the sequence data types SHALL be as follows:

 DevVarBooleanArray = "DevVarBooleanArray"
 DevVarShortArray = "DevVarShortArray"
 DevVarLongArray = "DevVarLongArray"
 DevVarLong64Array = "DevVarLong64Array"
 DevVarCharArray = "DevVarCharArray"
 DevVarUShortArray = "DevVarUShortArray"
 DevVarULongArray = "DevVarULongArray"
 DevVarULong64Array = "DevVarULong64Array"
 DevVarFloatArray = "DevVarFloatArray"
 DevVarDoubleArray = "DevVarDoubleArray"
 DevVarStringArray = "DevVarStringArray"
 DevVarEncodedArray = "DevVarEncodedArray"
 DevVarStateArray = "DevVarStateArray"
  • Value of sequence DataType SHALL follow rule:

 sequence-value = *element

Where <element> follows specification of value of the matching <DataType>

  • Sequence DataType SHALL provide an interface to determine number of its elements.

  • Sequence DataType SHALL provide an interface to index its elements.


Value of the DevEncoded type is a structure to carry binary data with application and context specific meaning.

  • Name of DevEncoded type SHALL be as follows:

 DevEncoded = "DevEncoded"
  • Value of <DevEncoded> SHALL be according to the <encoded-value> rule:

 encoded-value = encoded_format encoded_data
                 ; elements order implied by the above rule MAY be ignored

;where <encoded_format> has type DevString and <encoded_data> has type DevVarCharArray.

DevVarLongStringArray and DevVarDoubleStringArray values are structures to carry sequences of numbers (integer or double precision floating point, respectively) along with sequences of text/string data.

  • Names DevVarLongStringArray and DevVarDoubleStringArray SHALL follow the following rules:

 DevVarLongStringArray = "DevVarLongStringArray"
 DevVarDoubleStringArray = "DevVarDoubleStringArray"
  • Values of DevVarLongStringArray and DevVarDoubleStringArray SHALL follow rules <long-string-value> and <double-string-value>, respectively:

 long-string-value = lvalue svalue 
 double-string-value = dvalue svalue
                       ; elements order implied by the above rules MAY be ignored

;where <lvalue> has type DevVarLongArray, <dvalue> has type DevVarDoubleArray and <svalue> has type DevVarStringArray.


DevState type standardizes a way of describing state of Device. Its values are from predefined set of 14 names.

  • DevState name SHALL be according to the following rule:

 DevState = "DevState"
  • DevState type SHALL be an enumeration type with labels following the rule <dev-state-label>:

 dev-state-label = "ALARM" / "INSERT" / "STANDBY" / "CLOSE" / "MOVING" / "UNKNOWN" / "DISABLE" / "OFF"
 dev-state-label =/ "EXTRACT" / "ON" / "FAULT" / "OPEN" / "INIT" / "RUNNING"


DevEnum data type allows to assign string Labels to DevShort values. It is valid only for Attributes.

  • DevEnum name SHALL follow the following rule:

 DevEnum = "DevEnum"
  • Label values of DevEnum SHALL follow the rule <devenum-label>:

 devenum-label = 1*VCHAR
  • DevEnum labels SHALL be unique in the context of an Attribute.

  • Each of DevEnum labels SHALL correspond to one and unique DevShort value.

  • Related DevShort values SHALL be consecutive and SHALL start with 0.

  • Values of DevEnum DataType SHALL be transported as values of DevShort.

  • For any Attribute of DevEnum data type, list of Labels SHALL be available as enum_labels Attribute property (see 4/Attribute).

  • Tango Controls SHALL allow a Tango Client to retrieve labels associated with the DevShort value.


DevPipeBlob is a Data Type to transfer data related to Pipes (see 7/Pipe).

  • DevPipeBlob SHALL have the following name:

 DevPipeBlob = "DevPipeBlob"
  • A value of DevPipeBlob type SHALL follow the <pipe-blob-value> rule:

 pipe-blob-value = name blob-data
                   ; elements order implied by the above rule MAY be ignored

 name = 1*VCHAR 

 blob-data = *blob-data-element
 blob-data-element = name (value / blob-data) 
                     ; elements order implied by the above rule MAY be ignored     

Where <value> SHALL be a value of one of the following data types: DevBoolean, DevShort, DevLong, DevLong64, DevFloat, DevDouble, DevChar, DevUShort, DevULong, DevULong64, DevString, DevState, DevState, DevEncoded, DevVarBooleanArray, DevVarShortArray, DevVarLongArray, DevVarLong64Array, DevVarFloatArray, DevVarDoubleArray, DevVarCharArray, DevVarUShortArray, DevVarULongArray, DevVarULong64Array, DevVarStringArray, DevVarStateArray, DevState, DevVarEncodedArray.


Results of failed operations (exceptions) within the Tango Controls are sent as values/messages of DevFailed or MultiDevFailed data type.

  • DevFailed type name is as follows:

 DevFailed = "DevFailed"
  • Any value of DevFailed type SHALL follow <dev-failed-value> rule:

 dev-failed-value = 1*error 

 error = reason severity desc origin

 reason = *VCHAR ; SHOULD be a symbolic name, without whitespace, which points the reason for the failure and is standardized for some errors thrown by the API. Examples: "API_AttrOptProp", "API_AttrNotPolled","API_CmdNotPolled", "API_CommandNotFound"
 severity = "WARN" | "ERR" | "PANIC"
 desc = *VCHAR ; SHOULD describe the failure in more details
 origin = *VCHAR ; SHALL identify the operation or the tango object which caused the failure, eg. function name
  • MultiDevFailed type name is as follows:

 MultiDevFailed = "MultiDevFailed"
  • Any value of MultiDevFailed type SHALL follow <multi-dev-failed-value> rule:

 multi-dev-failed-value = 1*named-dev-error 

 named-dev-error = name index-in-call 1*error

 name = *VCHAR
 index-in-call = num-val ; of long data type (32 bits) in the range of 0 to (2^31)-1
 error = reason severity desc origin

 reason = *VCHAR ; SHOULD be a symbolic name, without whitespace, which points the reason for the failure and is standardized for some errors thrown by the API. Examples: "API_AttrOptProp", "API_AttrNotPolled","API_CmdNotPolled", "API_CommandNotFound"
 severity = "WARN" | "ERR" | "PANIC"
 desc = *VCHAR ; SHOULD describe the failure in more details
 origin = *VCHAR ; SHALL identify the operation or the tango object which caused the failure, eg. function name