
This document describes the Tango Attribute model specification version 5.0.


Copyright (c) 2019 Tango Controls

This Specification is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This Specification is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.

This Specification is a free and open standard and is governed by the Digital Standards Organization’s Consensus-Oriented Specification System.

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Tango Attribute specification

This specification is intended to formally document the Tango Attribute static model. Runtime representation of Attribute in conforming Tango implementations MUST follow this specification.


An Attribute is a Tango concept representing a physical quantity of a device. The main purpose of an Attribute is to provide read and (optionally) write access to this quantity.

In object oriented terminology, the Attribute corresponds to an instance variable (also called a field or a member) of a Device object. See RFC 2/Device for the definition of the Device.

Use Cases

Some example use cases of an Attribute are:

  • an Attribute can represent a position of a motor device,

  • an Attribute can represent a temperature of a thermocouple device.


An Attribute has:

  • A set of static metadata that constitute Attribute’s definition,

  • A set of dynamically configurable properties, e.g. for alarming purposes,

  • A set of runtime parameters describing Attribute’s value at given point in time.

Attribute definition

The static metadata is part of the Attribute definition. It MUST be defined before an Attribute is created by any Tango implementation and MUST NOT change at runtime after the Attribute is initialized.

An Attribute MUST have associated following static metadata:

  • name, a string identifying the Attribute. It MUST be unique 1 among all Attributes of a particular device. See <attribute-name> specification below,

  • data type, an enumeration describing the type of the data (RFC 9/Data Types),

  • data format, an enumeration describing the dimension of the data (one of SCALAR, SPECTRUM, IMAGE),

  • writable, an enumeration describing the write access to the Attribute (one of READ, WRITE, READ_WRITE, READ_WITH_WRITE).

    • An Attribute can be read from, if writable is one of READ, READ_WRITE, READ_WITH_WRITE.

    • An Attribute can be written to, if writable is one of WRITE, READ_WRITE.

  • display level, an enumeration describing visibility level of the Attribute (one of EXPERT, OPERATOR).

Note: Although it is possible to use a wide range of characters in the Attribute’s name, it is RECOMMENDED to use only numbers, ASCII letters (upper- and lower-case) and an underscore (_) to ensure compatibility with various tools and client applications. Also note that the Attribute name SHOULD contain at least one letter and SHOULD NOT start with a digit.

If data format is SPECTRUM, an Attribute MUST have associated following additional static metadata:

  • max dim x, an integer describing the maximum allowed number of data elements. The Attribute MUST be able to store up to max dim x data elements. It MUST be greater than 0.

If data format is IMAGE, an Attribute MUST have associated following additional static metadata:

  • max dim x, an integer describing the maximum allowed number of data elements in dimension X. The Attribute MUST be able to store up to max dim x data elements in the X dimension. It MUST be greater than 0,

  • max dim y, an integer describing the maximum allowed number of data elements in dimension Y. The Attribute MUST be able to store up to max dim y data elements in the Y dimension. It MUST be greater than 0.

If writable is READ_WITH_WRITE, an Attribute MUST have associated following additional static metadata:

  • writable attribute name, a string describing the name of associated writable attribute. It MUST point to an attribute. The Attribute pointed to MUST have writable set to one of WRITE, READ_WRITE.

If data type is ENUM, an Attribute MAY have associated following additional static metadata:

  • enum labels, a list of strings describing textual representation of enumerated values. It MAY be empty.

Memorized attribute

An Attribute MUST have associated following static metadata:

  • memorized, a flag describing whether set value is stored in the database and restored during Attribute initialization,

  • write hardware at init, a flag describing whether the memorized set value is written to the Attribute during initialization or init call. It is effective only if memorized is also set.

A conforming implementation MUST allow to set the memorized flag and MUST support memorization for attributes which:

  • data format is SCALAR,

  • writable is WRITE or READ_WRITE,

  • data type is not STATE or ENCODED.

If memorized is set and if database is being used, the set value MUST be persisted in the __value Attribute property upon each write to the Attribute.

If memorized is set and __value Attribute property is other than “Not used yet” (default):

  • only during Attribute initialization (at startup):

    • set value MUST be set with a value stored in __value Attribute property,

  • during Attribute initialization (at startup) or during an init command execution, if write hardware at init is also set:

    • value stored in set value MUST be written to the Attribute.

Forwarded attribute

An Attribute can be a forwarded attribute. A forwarded Attribute MUST have associated __root_att Attribute property. It MUST be defined before attribute initialization at startup. It MUST NOT be changed in runtime. It MUST point to an existing attribute in another device.

Allowed syntax for __root_att is specified below as <full-attribute-name>.

Each read and write request to a forwarded Attribute MUST be passed to the Attribute pointed by __root_att.

Each change to properties or to other metadata associated with a forwarded Attribute MUST be reflected in the Attribute pointed by __root_att.

Each change to properties or to other metadata associated with the Attribute pointed by __root_att MUST be reflected in the forwarded Attribute.

Attribute properties

An Attribute MAY have associated dynamic metadata in form of Properties (see RFC 5/Property).

Below table summarizes common attribute properties used by Tango. Detailed description is provided later in this section.


Name in database


Default value




Not specified / No description




Not specified / No label




Not specified / No unit / empty

standard unit



Not specified / No standard unit

display unit



Not specified / No display unit




%6.2f (float),
%d (integer),
%s(string, enum),
Not specified (state, encoded, boolean)

min value



Not specified

max value



Not specified

min alarm



Not specified

max alarm



Not specified

min warning



Not specified

max warning



Not specified

delta val



Not specified

delta t



Not specified / 0

rel change



Not specified

abs change



Not specified

archive rel change



Not specified

archive abs change



Not specified





archive period



Not specified




Not used yet




Not defined

Note: Both delta_val and delta_t MUST be set to non-default values in order for RDS (read different than set) alarms to work.

General properties:

  • description, providing textual information about the Attribute,

  • label, providing textual label to use as Attribute’s name,

  • unit, providing textual representation of Attribute’s unit,

  • standard unit, describing the conversion factor to transform Attribute’s value into S.I units. It MUST be a valid numerical value,

  • display unit, describing the conversion factor to transform Attribute’s value into value usable in GUIs. It MUST be a valid numerical value,

  • format, describing how to convert Attribute’s data to a textual representation. It MUST comply to printf format string specification,

  • min value, describing the minimum value of Attribute’s set value. It MUST be defined only for Attributes with numerical data type. It MUST be defined only for writable Attributes. If defined: it MUST be a valid numerical value, it MUST be lower than max value (if specified),

  • max value, describing the maximum value of Attribute’s set value. It MUST be defined only for Attributes with numerical data type. It MUST be defined only for writable Attributes. If defined: it MUST be a valid numerical value, it MUST be greater than min value (if specified).

Properties for alarming purposes:

  • min alarm, describing the threshold value of Attribute’s read value below which the attribute is considered as having alarm quality. It MUST be defined only for Attributes with numerical data type. If defined: it MUST be a valid numerical value, it MUST be lower than max alarm (if specified),

  • max alarm*, describing the threshold value of Attribute’s read value above which the attribute is considered as having alarm quality. It MUST be defined only for Attributes with numerical data type. If defined: it MUST be a valid numerical value, it MUST be greater than min alarm (if specified),

  • min warning, describing the threshold value of Attribute’s read value below which the attribute is considered as having warning quality. It MUST be defined only for Attributes with numerical data type. If defined: it MUST be a valid numerical value, it MUST be lower than max warning (if specified),

  • max warning, describing the threshold value of Attribute’s read value above which the attribute is considered as having warning quality. It MUST be defined only for Attributes with numerical data type. If defined: it MUST be a valid numerical value, it MUST be greater than min warning (if specified),

  • delta val, describing the maximum difference between Attribute’s read value and set value after delta t time period, above which the attribute is considered as having alarm quality. It MUST be defined only for writable Attributes,

  • delta t, describing the time period (in milliseconds) after which the difference between read value and set value must be lower than delta val. Otherwise the attribute is considered as having alarm quality. It MUST be defined only for writable Attributes, It MUST be defined if delta val is also defined.

Properties for event reporting purposes:

  • rel change, abs change, archive rel change, archive abs change, describing the threshold values for relative and absolute change in Attribute’s read value above which a CHANGE event or ARCHIVE event MUST be reported. It MUST be either a valid numerical value or a pair of valid numerical values separated by a ,. If one value is specified, it MUST be used for both negative and positive change. If two values are specified, the first MUST be used for negative change and the second MUST be used for positive change. It MUST be defined only for Attributes with numerical data type,

  • period, archive period, describing the minimum time period in milliseconds after which a PERIODIC or ARCHIVE event MUST be reported, regardless of Attribute’s read value. If period is not specified, a default value of 1000 ms is used,

If relative change is specified, it MUST be expressed as a percentage change relative to the value reported in the previous event, e.g. a relative change of 1 will generate an event when:

(current value - previous value) / previous value > 1%

See Attribute events section for more details.

rel-change = change
abs-change = change

archive-rel-change = change
archive-abs-change = change

number = [ "-" ] 1*DIGIT [ "." ] *DIGIT
change = number [ "," number ]

period = 1*DIGIT
archive-period = period

Attribute runtime parameters

At given point in time an Attribute MUST have associated:

  • quality, an enumeration describing the state read value (one of VALID, INVALID, ALARM, CHANGING, WARNING),

  • read value, an object representing the value of the Attribute. It MUST conform to data format and data type,

  • read dim x, an integer describing the number of data elements in read value in X dimension. If data format is SCALAR, it MUST be either 0 or 1. If data format is SPECTRUM or IMAGE, it MUST be between 0 and max dim x.

  • read dim y, an integer describing the number of data elements in read value in Y dimension. If data format is SCALAR or SPECTRUM, it MUST be 0. If data format is IMAGE, it MUST be between 0 and max dim y.

Additionally, if writable is WRITE or READ_WRITE, at given point in time an Attribute MUST have associated:

  • set value, an object representing the value set to the Attribute. It MUST conform to data format and data type,

  • write dim x, an integer describing the number of data elements in set value in X dimension,

  • write dim y, an integer describing the number of data elements in set value in Y dimension.

Attribute aliases

A full attribute name consists of device name and attribute name separated by “/” character.

See RFC 2/Device for the definition of <device-name>.

An Attribute MAY have associated alias, a string which can be used in place of full attribute name to address the Attribute. An Attribute MUST NOT have more than one alias.

An alias MUST be stored in the database.

An alias MUST be unique across the whole Tango system.

An alias MAY contain any character except that it MUST NOT contain any of /, (space), #, :, ->. It MAY be empty. See <attribute-alias> specification below.

Attribute events

An Attribute can send following events:






  • USER,

Events can be sent automatically by a polling mechanism, automatically by the Tango system or manually from the device server code.

The polling mechanism can send PERIODIC, CHANGE and ARCHIVE events. In order to send events via the polling mechanism, the polling for the Attribute MUST be enabled. See Attribute properties section for conditions upon which the events are sent with the polling enabled. See (RFC-10/RequestReply) for more details on polling configuration.

The Tango system MUST send ATTR CONF event whenever Attribute configuration is changed. See Attribute properties section for a list of modifiable attribute Properties.

The device server code can manually send CHANGE, ARCHIVE, DATA READY and USER events without the need to configure the polling for the Attribute.

Attribute naming schema

Formal specification of Attribute name is given below:

attribute-name = 1*attribute-name-char
attribute-name-char = %d48-57 / %d65-90 / %d97-122 / "_" ; 0-9 / A-Z / a-z / _

full-attribute-name = device-name "/" attribute-name

attribute-alias = *attribute-alias-char
attribute-alias-char = OCTET ; except %x00 "/" " " "#" ":" "->"


In current implementation it is possible to define more than one Attribute with the same name, but only one can be accessed externally.